Thursday, November 15, 2007

Okay, so here I am, blogging again. What's up with that?

Well, oftentimes there is something on my mind and I just wished there was some sort of format for me to express my outrage or whatever. I tried posting on some community blogs (which I will not name here) but got flamed by the flamers, and by flamers I don't mean gays, because I have gay friends and they wouldn't much appreciate me talking/blogging like a homophobe. No, I am referring to those people who feel safely ensconced in their apartments/workplaces/basements/whatever and therefore feel they can, indeed should, be as rude as humanly possible when talking about any random opinion or other.

In short, bad. Me no likey.

So even though nobody is going to read this blog, I'm gonna go ahead and keep going anyway, yammering about who the hell cares what.

So, let's get started.

Dude, I need a job.

Like, seriously. Someone please employ me? I have whined incessantly to my friends, family, complete strangers (especially the local Koreans here in Koreatown, even though I am quite sure they don't understand me) and so, to stop this, please please someone hire me.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow.. is that bad??? dont give up!!

10:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you've just invented Prayer 2.0.

4:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you get a job? What -- no update?

7:29 AM  

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