Sunday, December 03, 2006

Hi all!

It's been a few weeks since I last posted anything substantial. Got back from Thanxgiving the other day... I had a great time, thanks for asking Carrie. :-)

Anyhoo, I'm back in sunny LA where it's been, well, freezing freaking cold. I mean, I actually had to wear sweaters and stuff to go outside. Holy crap! It is nice again today, but this past week was ridiculous. And I am finally wrapping up my first semester at USC, where I should get all A's without much trouble.

Until coming to USC, I had NO idea how seriously people took college football. I only got a full understanding of how crazy people are about college football when I bought a USC sweater and started wearing it. For those of you who know me, you know I could care less about sports, much less football, much less college football. So I find it odd that all kinds of random people come up to me and start talking about USC's football team, as if my wearing a USC sweater automatically makes me a USC football fan. However, I have learned how to deal with such people: when they come up to me and start yapping about this or that, I respond by saying, "Reggie Bush" (a former USC football player who won the Heismann Trophy last year) which promptly sets them off on an obscure rant I can barely comprehend. After they run out of steam, I say, "Oregon State" who USC lost to a few weeks back, and that sets them off on another tear about plays, players and all kinds of shit I could care less about. And yet, they shake my hand afterwards saying. "Nice to meet you! Great conversation!!!" when I literally said four words in a fifteen-minute conversation. Odd.

Well, it turns out USC lost yesterday to its cross-town rival, UCLA, which is hugely embarrassing, because evidently UCLA's football team sucks. Fortunately I could care less about such nonsense. But there is a real rivalry between these two schools, rivalled only by the Shia and Sunnis in Iraq in terms of the intensity of the hatred they feel towards each other.

Oh well, I've rambled on long enough. Hope you are well, wherever you are. Take care.


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